No Right To Bear Arms ? + Is Chick-Fil-A Anti Gay?

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Daniel J. Callaghan is today's show dedication - He was A Veteran born on July 26, 1890. Today is his birthday & his hero's welcome home from CPT. He was a United States Navy officer who received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. In a career spanning just over 30 years, he served his country in two wars. He served on several ships during his first 20 years of service, including escort duties during World War I, and also filled some shore-based administrative roles. He later came to the attention of US President Franklin Roosevelt, who appointed Callaghan as his Naval Aide in 1938. In one of his most direct statements on gun control since his election, President Barack Obama Wednesday called for a "common sense" approach to assault rifle sales in light of Friday's mass shooting in Aurora, Colo., saying no "mentally unbalanced individual" should be able to get their hands on such weapons. If ACTIONS speak for words then President Barack Obama believes The United Nations should and will control several aspects of our country & it laws over riding NATURAL LAW put in place by our founding Father & Mothers.Obama pledged to work with lawmakers from both parties to reduce violence "at every level." & NOW clearly he is making A MOVE which will eliminate writ's from our bill of rights & replace with United Nation mandates & he is backed by MILLIONS of Americans. Do we have A right to bear arms or intodays world does Government have A right to repeal and replace The 2nd Ammendment to ensure WE THE PEOPLE ARE SAFE?Is President Obama claiming under his U N mandates this  shooting in Aurora NEVER would of happen? JOIN THE DISCUSSION@ 424-222-5255