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Summary: Citizens of several Muslim countries took to the streets in protest.In Iraq, demonstrators in the city of Basra raised Iraqi flags while chanting “Death to America.” Protesters burned Israeli and American flags and raised a banner that read, “We condemn the offences made against the prophet.”In the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo, about 2,000 Muslims burned effigies of President Barack Obama and American flags, demanding the US ban the film.In Bangladesh, over 2,000 people marched through the streets of Dhaka, burning a makeshift coffin draped in an American flag and an effigy of Obama. They also burned a French flag to protest against the caricatures of Mohammed.Protesters have also gathered in Tunisia and Lebanon as the protests close in on their 10th day.Tonight we will discuss the recent events in the Middle East + The 2012 Elections Latest News   Join The Discussion @ 424-222-5255