How the Lefkoe Institute can serve you

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Summary: ( I eliminate beliefs on my own? Do you have Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitators in my area? How do beliefs differ from occurrings? Now that over 100,000 people from over 60 countries have eliminated at least one belief using the Lefkoe Belief Process, we get calls all day long from every corner of the globe. We are asked these and similar questions about the Lefkoe Institute’s products and services that are designed to free you from your limitations and enable you to create the life you’ve always wanted to live. Although we are happy to talk to you directly and personally answer all your questions, I thought it would be useful to describe in a blog post all the products and services we offer and how they differ from each other. This post will help you decide which of our products or services will best help you reach your goals and give you some suggestions on where to begin. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 415-884-0552 if you still have any questions. The sources of our problems The Lefkoe Method (TLM) consists of several processes that we use to help clients eliminate limiting beliefs and de-condition stimuli that result in negative emotions. Here is a short description of the major processes. The most significant source of our self-imposed limitations is our beliefs. Our core beliefs about ourselves, people and life are formed in the first five or six years of life through interactions with our primary caretakers, usually our parents. Other beliefs can be formed at any point in our lives and determine our behavior and influence our feelings. All of these beliefs can be eliminated with the Lefkoe Belief Process. Our emotional life is the result both of beliefs and conditionings. Emotions can result from conditioned events, such as fear that is caused by criticism, or anger caused by being told what to do. Such conditionings can be de-conditioned with the Lefkoe Stimulus Process. Our feeling sense of ourselves (such as heavy, overwhelming, and despair) can be the result of a conditioned sense of self, which can be de-conditioned by the Lefkoe Sense Process. And we can have feelings resulting from our expectations, such as expecting disaster when we try something new. Such negative expectations can be eliminated with the Lefkoe Expectation Process. On a moment-to-moment basis, our reactions are determined mainly by our “occurrings,” which are the meaning we give to events that have no inherent meaning. To use the example I’ve used before, imagine a friend of yours comes into a room, sees you, and doesn’t say hello. To many of us it would seem as if what actually happened in reality was our friend was angry with us. In fact, all that happened is that our friend saw us and did not say hello. That event has no inherent meaning. That he is angry with us is how the event occurs to us. Beliefs are generalized statements about ourselves, people and life that serve as a filter through which we view reality all the time. Our “occurrings,” on the other hand, are the meaning we give specific events as they happen moment-to-moment. The Lefkoe Occurring Process teaches you how to distinguish between events and how events occur for us, and then how to dissolve the occurring. The Lefkoe Method ( Lefkoe Method consists of all the processes we have created, most of which I’ve described above. For more details about these processes and a few others, designed mainly for organizations, please see a series of four blog posts I wrote in 2010. ( ( (