Ontario Morning Podcast - Tuesday September 25, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Cammi Anastasiadis told us about a flashmob which it's hoped can showcase London to the world. What kind of weather can we expect this fall? Dave Phillips of Environment Canada had the big picture for us. Spencer Destun, the owner of the last remaining Sam the Record Man, shared his memories of Sam Sniderman. We talked to school principal Kieran Kennedy in Cornwall about Froglogic, a program that helps kids get fit and improves their self esteem. The CBC's Margo McDiarmid had this week's Ottawa Report. The Wilfred Laurier baseball team will be allowed to play again after being suspended for a hazing incident. Athletic director Peter Baxter explained the university's response to the incident. And Deirdre Kelly joined us to tell us about her new book Ballerina: Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection".