Implementing the TOC Supply Chain Solution

Business901 show

Summary: <br> The Business901 podcast featured  Amir Schragenheim, President of <a href="">Inherent Simplicity</a>, a software firm specializing in TOC software for Production &amp; Distribution environments. Inherent Simplicity is the exclusive software supplier for Production &amp; Distribution software to <a href="">Goldratt Consulting,</a> Eli Goldratt’s consulting firm, in their Viable Vision strategic projects. <br> <br> Mr. Schragenheim is a regular speaker at the TOCICO conferences, and is a TOCICO certified expert in: Supply Chain Logistics, Finance &amp; Measures, Project Management, and Business Strategy. Before Inherent Simplicity, Mr. Schragenheim worked as a chief analyst for Attunity Ltd., where he was in charge of defining the technical requirements of a software tool to handle business processes. <br> <br> Symphony, Inherent Simplicity’s software product is the leading and most comprehensive platform for implementing procurement, operations and distribution TOC solutions. Equipped with Inherent Simplicity's turnkey solutions, Symphony is capable of leveraging TOC know how to reduce lead time, optimize inventory levels and more, all with a determined goal in sight, leading your supply chain towards an unprecedented level of service, ultimately, amplifying your profitability. <br> <br> Related Information: <br> <br> <a href="">Theory of Constraints Roundup</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Transforming your Supply Chain to a Lean Fulfillment Stream eBook</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Lean Six Sigma applied to Supply Chain</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Application of Lean Six Sigma to the Supply Chain</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Applying Value Stream Concepts</a>