Leading the Way in Iowa Quality Training

Business901 show

Summary: Steven C. Wilson founded <a href="http://stevencwilson.com/home/">Wilson Consulting and Training Services,</a>Inc (WCTS, Inc) as a process improvement consulting firm.  He has dedicated himself to this cause by training over 600 Six Sigma practitioners in over 70 companies in the state of Iowa. His training focuses on quality to  include  Lean, Theory of Constraints, Supply chain, Problem Solving and  Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt  training. Recently, he has developed new approaches to a blended learning platform and is piloting them in his Leadership and Data-Driven Problem Solving Courses. In the podcast with Steve, I came away with a feeling that he looks at his practice more from a training perspective than consulting. <br> <br> Steve to me is the epitome of today’s successful consultant. He acts as a in-house consultant for a major healthcare facility in the Des Moines, Iowa area, instructs at many of the Iowa Community Colleges, conducts Green Belt and Black Belt training for industry and hosts the Blog Talk Radio Show, Quality Conversations. As a result of this, he speaks on a regular basis throughout the state and has even presided as the Master of Ceremonies at a national iSixSigma Live event. Steve has more offline touch-points than most of us have online touch-points. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I am adamant that most business is still done with a handshake. It seems to me that Steve shakes as many hands as a politician and in Iowa there are a lot of hands shaken. <br> <br> Another unique aspect of Wilson Consulting and Training Services is Steve’s  20 years of experience has been primarily in the service industry.  With this background, he offers a unique perspective, even for the more traditional quality venues such as manufacturing.  With all industries focusing more and more on the service aspect applying quality improvement tools to this area is typically the quickest ROI an organization can receive. <br> <br> Related Information: <br> <br> Steve’s website: <a href="http://stevencwilson.com/home/">Wilson Consulting and Training Services,</a> <br> <br> <a href="http://business901.com/expert-status/marketing-your-black-belt/">Marketing your Black Belt</a> <br> <br> <a href="http://business901.com/blog1/sustaining-lean-using-continuous-improvement-the-toyota-way/">Sustaining Lean using Continuous Improvement: The Toyota Way</a>