ATW 2012 eps 3-Kenneth Weene and Jeff Hilling. Stop S.O.P.A.

Double Talk Radio show

Summary: Its January 18th and the strike to stop SOPA and PIPA is on. Instead of boycotting and robbing you of our show, we decided to play informational segments on the commercial breaks instead of the regular commercials. Our first guest is Kenneth Weene the author of the book Memoirs From the Asylum. Kenneth tells us about the three main characters who live in a strange world inside of a fictional psychiatric hospital. Kenneth worked at an asylum for many years so among other things we dont just talk about the patients but the impact this different environment has on the staff. Next its Jeff Hilling the author of the book Not Another Bigfoot Movie,What really happened on October 20 1967 (The audio in this segment is not up to par, we were having feedback from our guest). Jeff claims this famous Paterson footage is still the most conclusive footage of Big Foot even though it is some 40 years old. He gives a non biased opinion of the famous Sasquatch. He is one of the top experts in his field. We also discussed modern time Cryptozoologists and there credibility in the field.