Largest Minority Lacks Political Representation - Part I

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: Is A Supermajority Constitutional? Tim Eyman is proposing yet another initiative that would require a two–thirds majority to raise taxes in the state — a measure that's been overturned before for being against the state's constitution. But what's the logic behind the measure? We ask Seattle attorney David Perez. Sodo Arena Expected To Advance Today: Many fans of Key Arena were relieved when a revised agreement for a new $490 million sports arena in Sodo included a $7 million fund to improve and study the future of the aging Seattle Center entertainment venue. But many were unhappy to learn that the fine print calls for $5 million of the Key Arena fund to follow the Seattle Storm, if the professional women's basketball team relocates to the new arena. Amy Radil reports. Entire Wolf Pack Faces Kill Order: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has issued a kill order for an entire wolf pack in the Northeastern part of the state after repeated livestock kills. KUOW's Ashley Ahearn has more. Latino Representation, Part One: Across the Northwest, Latinos make up nearly 12 percent of the population. Yet our research estimates only 2 percent of the region's elected officials are Hispanic. Listen to part one of Chris Lehman's five–part series on Latino representation in the region.