Limited Appeal - Aah Christmas Show

Limited Appeal show

Summary: Welcome to another Christmas Show! But not the same one, because that would just be lazy. No, instead we've baked a special batch of limited appeal that you'll find in a delicious rectangular box. Hee hee! Tasty box... Well, actually, I've not tasted the box proper, but it's contents are awesome. Take that where you will. Anyways, we're not sure we actually remember anything other than the names about either of the brands involved in our product comparison segment, so it's safe to say the actual usefulness of the segment is as limited as our appeal. Meh. But as useless as that part may be, our following discussion of chocolate shape will BLOW YOUR MIND. Wait for T-bone's new perspective on things. And hey, if it fails to blow your mind, have we really been worse than most Christmas albums? Really? Hmph. Merry fucking Christmas anyway. Ho! Ho! Ho! Send us your Christmas greetings via email ( Theme music courtesy of Mugison and Ipecac Recordings.