Medical Marijuana

Good Guys To Know show

Summary: OK, so here are our magic videos.  Leave a comment and let us know who you think had the best tricks! A special apology to Mitch, the video didn’t switch for the first bit of his trick. You can see him in the little video on the bottom though. Medical Marijuana content is below the videos.       History: Marijuana has been in use medically, ritualistically, and recreationally for at least 5000 years.  The first reference to medical marijuana is thought to have been an ancient pharmacopoeia used by Chinese emperor Shen-Nung in 2700 B.C.  This ancient text, which is considered to be the world’s oldest pharmacopoeia, recommends marijuana for more than 100 ailments, including gout, rheumatism, malaria, and absentmindedness, and sits among other common herbal remedies such as ginseng and ephedra.  Interestingly, it was originally used as a tea; smoking marijuana has been a relatively recent form of ingestion of the drug.  From east Asia, marijuana moved west to Persia, Syria, Egypt, Greece, and Italy between 2000 and 1500 B.C.  Here, it began to be used not only for its physiologic properties, but also in the form of hemp for clothing, rope, and paper.  Many sources actually suggest that the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp-based paper!In 1854, marijuana was included in the US dispensary for the first time.  Many of the doctors we imagine as making “house calls” carried marijuana extracts in their black bags.  The drug was especially useful for insomnia, headaches, and anorexia, though it was commonly prescribed for pain, whooping cough, asthma, and sexual dysfunction.  Fast-forward to 1999, and you’ll find a report from the institute of medicine which summarized existing peer-reviewed literature, and found that there was at least some benefit in smoking marijuana for stimulating appetite, especially in AIDS-related wasting syndrome.  It also was found to be helpful for nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy.Throughout the 20th and 21st century, the popularity of marijuana has remained consistent.  Many people smoke marijuana for its mind-altering effects, but others maintain that, despite a lack of good randomized controlled clinical trials proving its efficacy, it is an excellent “organic” alternative to many of the drugs synthesized in laboratories. Vocab: Cannabis = comes from the latin name for the common marijuana plant, of which there are 3 species; Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.  C. sativa is the most commonly cultivated species in the US.Cannabinoids = chemical compounds that activate receptors in the brain and in the immune system, causing euphoria, decreased pain sensation, and reducing inflammation.  There are 3 major types of cannabinoids: 1) endocannabinoids, which are produced naturally in human tissue.  2) phytocannabinoids, which are produced by plants.  3) synthetic cannabinoids, which are produced in a laboratory.   THC = short for tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the main phytocannabinoids responsible for feelings of euphoria Cannabidiol = the second of the two main phytocannabinoids – maximizes euphoria and minimizes anxiety Recreational Use Today: Marijuana is the most widely-used illicit drug in the world.  UN estimates report that at least 190 million people consumed the drug in 2007.  Most people smoke marijuana for a few reasons.  First, the drug is much more predictable this way.  The drug is absorbed very consistently through the lungs, especially when compared to the stomach.  As such, it allows for more effective titration of the drug to reach a desired effect.  Most people experience a mild euphoria, relaxation, and perceptual alterations (time distortion, intensification of ordinary experiences).  Unfortunately, some users react to the drug with anxiety and paranoia, whether they are using the drug recreationally or medically.  It is thought that unfamiliar situations can predispose to these negative effects.  The con[...]