09-20-2009 Painkillers - Message 03: Breaking Free From Habits

New Vision Baptist Church show

Summary: 01 Opening illustration about removing air from a cup<br> 02 Habit: A continuing, sinful action that you recognize as destructive from which you can’t seem to break free.<br> 03 1. Truths about negative habits.<br> a. Habits lead to slavery.<br> 04 b. Your habits tend to hurt those you love most.<br> 05 c. You are not powerless against your habits.<br> 06 2. Speaking your way free from habits.<br> a. Speak to God concerning your habits: confession.<br> 07 b. Speak to a trusted friend concerning your habits.<br> 08 c. Speak the Word of God to your habits.<br> Have an "it is written" for each "I know I shouldn’t."<br> 09 Closing<br>