Running The Ropes 09-21-12 now archived


Summary: This week, Brian and Chris cover quite a bit of news including (in no particular order) Beth Phoenix leaving the WWE, John Cena’s beef with as well as his elbow surgery and his current plan for Hell in a Cell against CM Punk, the new plan for Big Show’s return to the company, WWE’s opinion on JBL’s commentary at Night of Champions, Jerry Lawler’s return to Memphis on Vince McMahon’s corporate jet, Randy Orton’s middle finger and more. Also, All Japan Pro Wrestling, the company where John Lauranitis has had a long career, has recently started up a relationship with the WWE.<br> On the TNA side of things, Matt Morgan makes his return to the company after a 3-month absence. Jeff Hardy wants to return to the WWE after his TNA contract expires. Hardy won the BFG Series in an effort to keep him in the company.<br> In the second hour, the guys go over WWE Night of Champions. As mentioned, JBL took over color commentary. Find out the guys thoughts on the battle royal, Zack Ryder and Antonio Cesaro for the US Title, Kingston and R-Truth against Daniel Bryan and Kane for the Tag Team titles, and a lot more.<br> On the next night on Raw, the guys go over the complete fall out including the controversial ending to the WWE Title match, where it was ruled that both John Cena’s and CM Punk’s shoulders were pinned on the mat for the 3-count.<br> On Impact this week, Hulk Hogan lays down the law with the whole locker room on Open Fight Night. That includes Bobby Roode, who tries to get out of the challenge set by “Cowboy” James Storm.<br> Find out all of this and much more on Running The Ropes, the official podcast of the Unchained Wrestling Network. Also on the SNS Radio Network!<br> <a href=""></a><br>