Going Linux #185 At What Price Freedom?

Going Linux show

Summary: 00:00 Going Linux #185 At What Price Freedom? 00:15 Introduction 01:01 Tom goes 15 rounds with Time Warner Cable 04:14 More feedback about Episodes 181 and 183 05:03 "Free," "free," "libre," and "Open Source." What's the diff? 05:51 Tom does not hate Microsoft 06:57 Jonathan Nadeau defends Richard M Stallman 11:05 Really listening to what RMS has to say 12:06 All non-Free software is an injustice 13:51 Credibility crumbles 16:07 Giving kids needles full of herione 17:22 An arrogant socialist 19:15 Out to pasture 20:00 Badger, badger, badger 20:35 Redistribution of wealth 20:40 Read the RMS website 20:19 Ahuka: HPR episode 163 23:18 Freedom is not absolute. There are limits 23:55 Producer freedom vs. user freedom 24:33 The GPL protects only 4 freedoms. Conspicuously missing from the list is the freedom of choice. 25:50 OGG Camp 11: The future of Linux must include the freedom of choice 25:54 RMS and the FSF work against freedom -- the freedom of choice 26:28 Kudos to Richard M Stallman for the contributions and ideas 28:15 Kudos to Linus Torvalds for making it actually work 30:00 Kudos to Canonical for making it usable and popular 31:07 What is the cost of "Free" software 32:10 The cost of "Freedom" is "freedom of choice" 33:14 The response to Jonathan 34:00 The words overshadowed the message 35:15 The four freedoms 36:25 The missing freedom 37:35 Choosing your own freedom 38:50 The Open Source community abides by the four freedoms - They chose to fork GNU/Linux and called it "Linux" 40:21 Good-bye 42:00 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 44:25 End