Too Little Energy or Too Much Worthless Money? An Interview With Alexander Landia

PodCasts Archives - McAlvany Weekly Commentary show

Summary:  About This Week’s Show: - It’s a myth that speculators run up the price of oil. Only 20% of the oil is hedged at one time. - The concept of “Peak Energy” is currently non-existent due to the abundance of coal and it’s many uses. - Real inflation is running at 9.6% (Using the index from when Volker was chairman of the Fed) therefore, forcing money into paper oil as a hedge against currency devaluation. About the Guest: Alexander Landia, Chairman of the Nominations and Compensation Committee, member of the Strategy Committee. Landia worked for Accenture, the largest consulting company in the world. As the partner of Accenture, he was General Director of Accenture Russia until 2006. In 2004 he was appointed Global Gas Lead Partner, responsible for Accenture’s global business in the gas industry while based in Moscow.