Deny Yourself

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: It seemed to be an ordinary day at a high school in the Midwest. Students were busy finishing up classes for the day and several waited in the cafeteria for the bus ride home. Then, out of nowhere, another student walked in to the cafeteria, straight to the table of waiting students, and opened fire. When the football coach, Frank Hall, heard screams and gun shots, he didn’t run away from the danger to protect himself, he ran straight for the gunman in the cafeteria! He chased the gunman right out of the building. Tragically, 3 students lost their lives in the shooting. But can you imagine how many more may have died if it wasn’t for Coach Hall’s selfless bravery? He could have been shot and killed. But he put the students first. You know, Jesus said that we are to “deny ourselves.” The Bible also says that those who try to “save their lives will lose it,” but those who lose their lives will find it! Coach Hall denied himself, and was willing to lose his life for his students - and what a great hero he was for doing so. How is God calling you to put others first in everyday situations? Serving others and putting their spiritual wellbeing before your own laid-back indifference, is a powerful way to honor your Lord Jesus Christ and to reach your world.