Too Many Apples, Not Enough Workers

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: With Fraud On The Rise, AARP Tries To Protect Seniors: Scams and fraud complaints have gone up by 60 percent nationwide since 2008. They range from investment schemes to insurance fraud. People ages 69 and older tend to fall victim. AARP Washington recently held an all–day workshop to help seniors learn how to protect themselves from scammers. KUOW's Ruby de Luna reports. Washington Poachers Raided By Police: Washington Fish and Wildlife police have raided more than a dozen locations around the state. The one–day blitz on suspected poachers and traffickers follows a two–year undercover investigation. Correspondent Austin Jenkins explains how the cops lured their prey. The Race For Washington Secretary Of State: Washington's current Secretary of State Sam Reed is retiring after 12 years on the job. The candidates aiming to replace him are Kathleen Drew, a Democrat, and Kim Wyman, a Republican. Drew is a former state senator and Wyman is currently the auditor of Thurston County. They squared off Tuesday in a Seattle City Club debate. KUOW's Liz Jones has some highlights. Too Many Apples, Not Enough Workers: Washington state apple farmers are gearing up to harvest the second–largest crop in history, but it appears there won't be enough workers to get the fruit off the trees quickly enough. The shortage comes as apple prices are high because of crop damage elsewhere in the country. Correspondent Anna King has our report from an apple orchard outside of Prescott, Washington. Update: 'Other–Than–Honorable Veteran Gets Benefits, Second Vet Killed By Police: A decorated combat veteran who lost his medical benefits when he was kicked out of the Army for misconduct has learned he will, in fact, qualify for health care from the Veterans Administration.