Family Policies

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes herePODCAST SCRIPT: Whether you’ve talked about it in your family or not, you certainly live by them!  So… what are the behavior policies in your home? Mom, dad, take time to list the ten most important issues in your home… the top things that you’re willing to build rules around.  Then build a family policy around each.  Here’s a sample list from my home: Disrespect Dishonesty Alcohol Or inappropriate Internet activity They might be different for your home… but the point is … you need to think about, write down, and communicate your non-negotiable issues.  Then …decide what the consequences will be if your child crosses the line. Clear boundaries will curtail lots of grief in the future.  And …clarity in your convictions will help your child develop boundaries of his or her own.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264