David Faces The Giant - David Lyons Vs. Multiple Sclerosis.

The  John Rowley  Show show

Summary: This is a modern time David VS. Goliath story.  This time it is David Lyons VS Multiple Sclerosis.  Instead of a slingshot his weapon of chioce is iron and lots of it.  Instead of settling for a wheel chair he choose the gym. In 2006, David Lyons was hospitalized and diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 47. David, a former bodybuilder and health club owner, exercised regularly and lived a healthy lifestyle. He was devastated by the diagnosis and frustrated by the physical limitations of his condition. His initial MS attack left him with partial paralysis, tightness, pain and numbness in his extremities and back. These common symptoms of MS come and go without warning.  The multiple lesions in David’s spinal cord make it difficult for him to coordinate movements and they affect his balance. The lesions in his brain cause cognitive problems affecting his concentration. And the lesion by his optic nerve, at times, causes vision impairment and blackness when seeing out of his left eye. David also lives in a constant state of fatigue caused by this disease attacking his nervous system. While in the hospital the doctors told David he would most likely leave in a wheelchair!  So what does David do? Give up and sink into depression? Grab a walker to steady himself? Retreat to bed to conserve his strength? NO...AT THE AGE OF 50 DAVID LYONS DECIDED TO COMPETE IN A NPC BODYBUILDING COMPETITION! David knew he could not do this alone, so he assembled a team he calls The Challenge Team. Putting this team together was no easy task. David needed dedicated, talented experts on his side to make this challenge a reality.