Ontario Morning Podcast - Wednesday September 20, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Is Canada's foreign aid offered in terms of our political and economic interest? Stephen Brown shared his view. Team Canada wins gold in shuffleboard. We talked to Myrna Bilton near Fergus and Linda McRae in Kincardine. American political scientist Richard Conley weighed in on how Romney campaign will be affected by his remarks about those voters who depend on the government. We heard reaction from Dylan De Marsh in Peterborough to Blue Jay Yunel Escobars homophobic slur. Dr. Karl Kabasele had details of new research on the effectiveness of asthma inhalers. We love the cellphones, hate the towers. Barrie councillor John Brassard told us about his city's fight. Changing how mental health services get to children. Susan Rodger at Western told us more. Christopher Hood in London told about MAP - My Action Plan to Education. And Western studed Marc Quirion told us about Chalk Thoughts.