BOTNS #197: What Kind of Reader Are You?

Books on the Nightstand show

Summary: Revisiting To Kill a Mockingbird in print and on DVD. What kind of reader are you? We love Don't Know Much About the American Presidents by Kenneth C. Davis, and The Baker's Daughter by Sarah McCoy. Ann Goes Back to Eighth-Grade English Class( When Ann’s daughter was assigned To Kill a Mockingbird, and her town chose it as the community’s “One Read,” she took it as a sign that it was time to re-read this favorite classic. She's very pleased to find that it's as wonderful as she remembers! I took this opportunity to finally watch the movie, which I had never seen. The new 50th anniversary edition is wonderful; a beautifully crisp transfer of the film, plus the DVD is packed with extras. What Kind of Reader Are You? (7:00) A recent article ( (and its followup ( on The Atlantic’s website, got Ann and me discussing what type of reader we are. We’re bits and pieces of several of their categories including The Multi-Tasker, The Sleepy Bedtime Reader and The All-the-Timer/Compulsive/Voracious/Anything Goes Reader. We’re definitely not the The Delayed Onset Reader #2, someone who only buys books for their decorative value. We’d love to hear what you think of these, or how you’d write your very own description. Two Books We Can’t Wait For You to Read (13:52) (     ( Though she’s a little sick of the current electoral season, Ann has been truly enjoying Don’t Know Much About the American Presidents by Kenneth C. Davis. It’s the perfect book for reading whenever you want entertaining and comprehensive overviews of our 44 commanders-in-chief. The Baker's Daughter by Booktopia Santa Cruz author Sarah McCoy is a beautiful story of two women, each on the cusp of major decisions in their lives, one in Nazi Germany and the other in contemporary Texas. I loved both story lines and the letters, from various characters, which expand the story wonderfully.