Nocturne in G minor, Op.15 No.3 [Chopin]

iCaela: Classical Piano show

Summary: Another weekend, another daughter's birthday; my little one will be one tomorrow. I have decided against posting the pieces I composed when she was giving me the worst pregnancy known to mankind, and instead give you one of Chopin's nocturnes. I love Chopin very much indeed, and like to think that Composition for Ginger Baby has a vague Chopinesque air to it. Anyways, this piece is genuine Frederic; the third nocturne (and most popular) of the set. Time will not allow me to perfect all of Chopin's work for solo piano (at least until the children are all away at university...) and for now I really must concentrate on my Christmas music, but it does seem vulgar playing carols before even Hallowe'en...