RA006 | Mastering The Taper

Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon show

Summary: If most of your Facebook updates are race related, you've completely lost focus at work, every little muscle twinge makes you think you have a race ending injury, and you are obsessing over what your time might be, you are officially in the taper period for your fall race. Many runners are now, or will soon be entering the taper period for their half and full marathons. On this episode, I will address the taper and how to master it so you can run strong on race day.  There is a lot of information out there about how to taper, but none on how to successfully taper. I'll take you through what I do and give a complete well rounded approach covering proper timing, how to decrease your running, how to modify your nutrition, getting adequate rest, mental preparation, customization and self control. Quick Tip In the quick tip, I answer a listener e-mail about my top tips for someone running the Chicago Marathon for the first time. Links Mentioned In The Show http://runneracademy.com/spirit-of-the-marathon - Link to The Spirit Of The Marathon Movie