Mic Check: A Year Into The Occupy Movement

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: The Ethics Of Solar Power: One of the Northwest's leading solar power advocates likely used his state position to help a company he was working for get an unfair tax designation. KUOW's Austin Jenkins has more. The 99 Percent, A Year Later: Today marks a year since the onset of the Occupy movement. The demonstrations that started in New York quickly spread across the country and to the Northwest. KUOW's Liz Jones reports on the state of the 99–percenters in Western Washington. 'Top Talent' Have Applied To Monitor Seattle Police: City Attorney Pete Holmes says many highly qualified people have applied to be the new Seattle Police Department monitor. The position was mandated in a settlement between SPD and the Department of Justice to correct problems including excessive use of force. Amy Radil reports. Ben Gibbard Loves The Smith Tower: Death Cab for Cutie's Ben Gibbard just released a new song about Seattle and the Smith Tower. Get your first listen here on The Conversation.