Access your Birthright: a Direct (Working) Relationship with Spirit.

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Authenticity emerges from our soul. But that soul message is not always as clear as we would like it to be. Explore the many ways shamanic skills enable us to augment both the clarity of our inner voice and our ability to hear that voice over the internal chatter and distraction of today. How do we reliably engage a little Divine help for these important life decisions? First we need to make sure we see reality accurately. We need to release the assumptions we are making that distort reality. Next we must get clear: what do we really want to know? The path to wealth or the path to true personal power? The path out of loneliness or the path into our true passion? Are you looking for short-term relief from fear or a leap along the path of your soul’s evolution? Once we have a message from the Divine we must ask, “What is spirit actually saying?”