Shamanism, Passion and Sex

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Shamanism’s great gift to us today is divine inspiration with direct application. This paradox in particularly helpful when we finally commit to untangling our passion from all of the misinformation, confusion, and shame we have heaped on it. Our passion is a gift from the Divine given to guide us naturally to our soul’s purpose. This current time of collapse and chaos is an excellent opportunity to recreate your life based on what is essential, that which abides, and that which you have passion for. So the question is: “What is your True Passion?” In this program we will discuss using shamanic skills to live in a way that you can let love be love, sex be sex, and dreams be dreams, so that your passion is freed to do what it is designed to do, naturally guide you to the energy of your soul’s purpose by burning true as you move into it and leaving you cold as you move further from path. Join us as we explore shamanism, passion, and sex as expressions of our destiny.