Soul Retrieval and Its Place in Modern Healing

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: In 1991 Sandra Ingerman published Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self. In this beautiful, easy to read book she rebirthed the shamanic art of soul retrieval in contemporary times. After training with Sandy, your host Christina Pratt, began as a practicing shaman performing hundreds of soul retrievals a year. Now, after nearly two decades there are many tales to tell not only of the power of soul retrieval healing, but of the joys and the challenges that come after. The first challenge is how to reintegrate with parts of yourself who have been gone decades or who see the world as a child. The lasting challenge is how do you live in our world, that asks you to be small and fit in, when you are filled with emotions, passions, and well-being that are your birthright. Christina will bust some myths about soul retrieval, answer the FAQS, and share how soul retrieval fits into the modern understanding of illness and healing. Join us to delve deeply into these healing waters.