Shamanism and Transforming Addiction

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Addictions abound in our lives. Whether persistent, problematic substance abuse patterns, the simple inability to wind down after along day without a glass of wine, or the addictions to food, sex, or adrenaline that fill our social calendars, addiction lives large in our lives and defies our best efforts. “When we ‘work on’ our addictions directly,” says host Christina Pratt, “we are developing an even more complex relationship with them.” Shamanism offers an indirect and effective approach. Every addiction began as a diversion from something our soul really needed that we weren’t allowed to have. The line between what we wanted and the addiction is rarely straight or logical. Shamanic skills allow us to access both the original soul need and the crazy logic transformation necessary to meet that need and become the person you were meant to be. Then, for those who want freedom, laying the addiction down becomes a matter of detoxification of the mind and body and living freely.