Beyond Good and Evil

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: "Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating." With this inspiration from Simone Weil we will explore how to engage with life beyond the concepts of good and evil. The first step is to relearn to trust our intuition and see the power moving directly or as power over. Ideas of good and evil and the fear that they generate distract us from watching the real energy and tracking power accurately. Fear based thinking is the fertile soil nourishing the roots of the current paradigm and our inability to heal, transform, or to simply ask for help. This thinking keeps us locked in the problems of our ancestors and in their way of thinking about solutions. Join host, Christina Pratt, as we explore shamanic ways to see through the hackneyed concepts of good and evil and to move us body and soul into the next paradigm of the right use of power, creativity, and connection.