The Power of Gratitude

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: “Gratitude as a function in life that makes things work out,” says our host, Christina Pratt. When we are without gratitude we are without perspective. The visionary capacity of the heart slips into doubt and we fixate on what is not working. Living from a stance of gratitude is a choice that allows you to shift into the realm of energies where the coincidences of things come together for you. Join us as we discuss the power of gratitude to bring the blessings of life to you. For the Qechua, an ancient Peruvian shamanic people, gratitude is not only something that we needed to feel. Gratitude must take form; it must be part of the labor, love and wisdom of a society. It is not enough to say, “thank you”; gratitude must be made concrete through action and intent. The power engages when you show gratitude at all times, make every gesture of your life a labor of love and retribution for the gifts you receive and will receive. Give thanks for all of it; it is the miracle of life.