The Power of Dance

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: “The difficulties we face can motivate our greatest growth and healing,” says our guest Marsha Scarbrough, author of Medicine Dance: One woman's healing journey into the world of Native American sweatlodges, drumming meditations and dance fasts. “But you have to follow whatever healing path inspires you, no matter how crazy!” This week Marsha will share what she has learned about the power of dance to heal from her work with Native American teacher, Beautiful Painted Arrow/Joseph Rael and Ayo Adeyemi Nigerian master drummer/ Yoruba ceremonial leader. In indigenous cultures, dance is not a performance. It's a meditation for the dancer. The movement itself is prayer. Dance and rhythm are the means by which shamans can repaired or restored vibration. Because we are actually composed of vibrating energy, it makes sense that rhythm, dance, and ritual can be used to heal us. The possibilities to create global and personal healing are endless when you have a group trance with positive intention, rhythm, and the power of dance.