True Transformation vs. Remodeling the Self

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: What does “transformation” really mean and why should we bother? “In the simplest sense true transformation is an internal change,” explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt, “that occurs on a foundational level such that there is no going back. We are not just remodeling the self.” There are three dynamics of internal movement, that when taken together result in true transformation. Change in any one or two of these; however, leaves us, as Ken Wilbur says, “refining our status quo.” Why should you bother to transform anyway? A refined status quo is still status quo and will result in a new version of exactly the same life. We choose to truly transform because it is the only path to why we are here. We are all an expressions of the One, but the One shows up uniquely in every sentient being. That uniqueness—to find and express that unique manifestation of the One—is why you are here. All true transformation matters because it serves the full expression of your Unique Self.