Authentic Shamanism

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: What makes shamanism authentic? Tradition? Certification? Or direct access to Spirit? Today literally thousands of people all over the world have learned to journey. This is a good thing. It is important that adults have spiritual input into their challenging daily decisions. With all of these people journeying, what makes someone a shaman? With people participating in monthly journeying circles, a type of “social shamanism” has emerged where people gather around this common interest, journey together, do a little ceremony, and share their experiences. While this is a valuable activity, it barely taps the potential of authentic shamanism. Yet people see this as contemporary shamanism. Where do the ethics lie for teachers of shamanism in showing people the range from their personal journeys to shamanic healing to powerful community rituals and ceremonies guided by truly initiated shamans? Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores authenticity and ethics in shamanism.