Your Shadow Self and the Divine

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Your Shadow Self is an important aspect of who you are. Engage it well and it will show you your greatest assets and deepest passions. However, if left unexplored the Shadow Self can generate physical, mental and emotional unwellness, leaving life flat, disappointing, and depressing. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, this week as she explores shamanic ways to engage your Shadow Self effectively. Shadow work is messy and it defies all logic— emotional, mental, and physical logic. Anything goes in the Shadow realms, which frightens and challenges the orderly, loving beings that we are. However, by engaging our direct relationship with spirit through shamanic skills we can learn to follow the crazy logic of the Shadow realm. We can meet the juicy, but frustrated parts of our self we have stuffed in the Shadow Closet and negotiate their return. In this way we reengage with our passion, sensuality, creativity, sexuality, sense of humor, and overall joy for life.