Working Effectively with Spirit (II)

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: This week host and shaman, Christina Pratt, answers listener’s questions about working effectively with spirit. The skills of the shaman, like journeying, that are used to connect more clearly with our helping spirits, are designed to enhance our natural human intuitive skills. While the techniques of shamanic skills are fairly easy to learn, mastery is a life long endeavor. At the core of shamanism is the individual’s direct relationship with his or her own helping spirits. What this relationship offers that meditation and messages from the Higher Self do not is the ability to ask, “where am I lying to myself?” and “how do I get out of my own way?” Christina explores how we might navigate the interface between traditional practices and our contemporary lives, whether or not we need engage in a battle between dark and light, and the critical importance of working with the spirits of the land where ever we are. In all that we explore this week, the right use of shamanic skills keeps coming back to humility and power. Cultivation of humility and power in equal parts is the hallmark of a mature shamanic practitioner.