Facing your Fears

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Facing our fear is the first hurdle to get over when we take action to create the life we are dreaming of and it is often the next hurdle and the next… Cultivating a right relationship with fear is critical if we want to live for what we believe has meaning and purpose each day. Growing a courageous heart is required so that Fear can become our ally. Host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explains that, “Fear is meant to warn us of danger, not make us afraid of it. And your mind will perceive every change— no matter how welcome and how hard won— as danger.” Join us this week as we explore the true nature of fear and its sad and over achieving cousins, depression and anxiety. In right relationship with fear we are able to see with discernment and to do what ever it takes to bring our dreams into being. That balance between the precision of discernment and force (and finesse) of taking the action happens only in the heart. The mind will grip too tightly and the rubber of spirit never meets the road. Fear exists in relationship with courage. Thus fear and fearlessness are bound and mutual. The paradox of making fear your ally is that the courage that it takes arises from and with fear itself.