Planting the Seeds of Your Soul’s Purpose

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Our soul’s purpose lives in our body, deep within the root of our being where we carry our piece of the original spark of life. Like bulbs in the ground and buds on the trees, that spark of your soul’s purpose wants to rise up and out of you, blossoming into an expression of your unique gifts given to the world. The irritation and restless energy that we feel in the springtime is more than cabin fever and a lust for newness. It is the energy of the Inner Dreamer waking to dream true and instead finding the need to detoxify the winter’s crop of old energies, ideas, and beliefs. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she shares a shamanic practice for planting the seeds of your Soul’s Purpose as an Earth Ritual for spring. For our seeds to take root and blossom we must prepare the soil. This requires bringing in the nutrients of our essence energies and aligning with the things we know we cannot live without. It also involves fertilizing the soil with the release of aspects of our self that no longer serve us or have been outmoded by our growth. And most important of all, we must plant the right seeds, the seeds that resonate with our authentic true nature.