Medical Misandry

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   Take two blue pills and call me when you’re compliant. Just a scant look between the lines and you can tell a one thing for certain about President Obama’s idea of “universal” healthcare. It’s anything but universal. In fact, it is saturated with sexually based privilege for women financed with a swift kick in the pants to men and boys. But is that really anything new, or is it just more of the same in system that has long operated on the idea that “the preferred sex” is really the only one worth saving? Tonight at 8:00 CST, U.S., in episode #19 of A Voice for Men Radio, Dr. Paul and JtO will be in the operating room with one more round of putting femmo-chivalrist dogma under the knife and dispensing a healthy dose of masculine counter-theory. The chat room will be open and Dr. Keyster will be on call for your comments and opinions at 310-388=9709