The Incarceration of America

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   Tonight AVfM Radio returns with JtO and Paul Elam discussing what is happening in the criminal justice system, and indeed in the world at large. For tonight, blue pill listeners with think that both JtO and Paul have contracted with the Stetson Company, who has produced an AVfM Special Edition 10 Gallon tin foil hat that both be wearing during the broadcast. Some facts to consider before listening: 1.     More people are incarcerated in the United States than any other industrialized nation. 2.     Most of those imprisoned are for non-violent crimes, such as drug offenses and failure to pay child support. 3.     Congress is currently engaged in turning over the penal system to private contractors. 4.     Those private contractors are subletting the labor produced by those incarcerated to other corporate entities. Add to the mix that we are now undergoing a massive expansion of what is considered criminal conduct in men, from having sex with an intoxicated woman to simply asking for sex and getting it, and you have a prescription for the most tyranny we have ever seen in American history. Other countries are following suit. Australian, Sweden, India have all begun adopting laws that ultimately undermine any notion of civil rights and could well land men in prison committing crimes that no civilized society has ever considered unlawful.