Men Going Their Own Way

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   Where are the good men going? The answer being, obviously, the same place good men have always gone: to an early grave, or a nicely appointed cage. Bad men, on the other hand, are going somewhere else. Anywhere else, in fact, wherever they want, without concern for who tells them no. Men going tier own way, and Zeta Masculinity, the modern paths to male self actualization without necessary self sacrifice on behalf of those who hate them are the topics for the 26 April 2012 episode of AVFM Radio. GirlWritesWhat, Johntheother, and TyphonBlue will be wrestling with what it takes to shake off the mental shackles of a society which discounts male humanity and values only male utility. The social contract between men and women is broken, burned and bombed into rubble, and those who've bombed it provide no replacement except a cage for men. What will replace this contract is still largely unknown, but a few ideas are currently in beta-test now. Call in tonight at 8PM central standard time 310-388-9709