Getting Honest about Boys, Part 2

A Voice for Men show

Summary: Man Woman Truth co-hosts Paul Elam of AVoiceforMen and Dr Tara Palmatier of Shrink4Men will continue their conversation from two weeks ago, Getting Honest about Boys, on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 9pm EST. They'll take a closer look at how society has been and continues to fail and damage half its youth and make suggestions about what steps we can take to address this problem. If you're able to catch the show live, please call or Skype in to share what your parent(s) taught you about women, relationships and men's role in relationships with women. If you can't catch the show live, please email your experiences to Paul or Dr Tara via their respective websites. The call-in number is +1 310 388 9709. Hope you can make it!