Reproductive Rights for Men

A Voice for Men show

Summary: Your body, but not your choice. If you're a man, this is the current state of play for you when it comes to reproductive rights. Stated simply, you don't have any. What you have is the legal responsibility to not only abide by whatever exercised choices are made by a woman using your gamete cells, or even simply pointing at you after humping the pool-boy. You also get to pay for those choices, whether you want to on not, and go to jail if you lack the financial means to do so.   Even better, should you complain about any of this, you'll be labeled a woman hater, a deadbeat, a child abuser and a general villain and bigot, because everybody knows, real men do whatever they're told, they don't complain, and they certainly don't deserve the basic human consideration as fathers or self determined non fathers based on their own choices. And the word for this ugly state of affairs is an old ugly word.  John the Other, Girl Writes What and Typhon Blue will be inviting all you slaves, or prospective slaves to call in tonight on AVfM radio at 6PM Pacific time at 310 388 9709   After the show, you can also join us in stickam chat at: