How a limp dick can save the world, Part 2

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   Why is male sexuality commonly thought of as always on? Why is sexual disinterest by a man described with the belittling terminology “impotence”? Why is the human sexuality of half the human race treated as both a simple light-switch affair, and simultaneously as something hostile, predatory and violent.    How can men reclaim their own sexuality, self possession and sexual autonomy in a climate where only cartoonish lust is expected, but simultaneously condemned as regressive, atavistic and subhuman. Simple, by saying no, and meaning in it all the way from intellect to limp p*nis.   John the Other, Girl Writes What and Typhon Blue will be taking a second hard look at soft c*cks, this week on A Voice for Men Radio at 6:00 Pacific Time, 8:00 Central time.   The call in number for the show is 310 388 9709