The Dr. F Show - Number 7

A Voice for Men show

Summary: Our poster boys up North in that Canada place way up there in the North have been interviewed and my goodness, talk about a couple of pains in the arse they are. For the fem-twits that is. Please listen to them in this one hour interview and you will see exactly why I say this. Yes,  I am talking about our Raven and our Dannyboy. They will be ringing in for your calls. They want to speak to you and you will see exactly why this is the case. Andy Vanders is back in the calls section along with an MRA called Michael Johnson. Mike called up a women's only event and got into a wee bit of a scuffle with the flat-skull meanie on the other end of the line. Post of the Week is there, as is the Black Knight Corner of course. This show is like really lovely ice-cream and you will want to savor it with a really really really tiny spoon. (that's three 'really's' and that's as rare as chook paws mate) P.S. Chooks ?  You can always Google it you know? Aye ! STICKCAM