Understanding the Opposition: different camps, same doctrine

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   In the MRM – we're long accustomed to attacks from feminists, as well as their complete absence of focus on any point of argument, and a tendency to engage in personal attacks against MRAs. The dialling up of of attacks on the MRM from traditional conservatives of the return-to-benevolent patriarchy leave it to beaver variety – is a newer phenomenon some MRAs may not yet have experienced. However, conventional wisdom, especially feminist wisdom holds that trad-cons and feminists are of oppositional world views.   But on closer and deeper examination, this turns out to be not just false, it's the opposition of the truth. Feminism is the natural outgrowth and the amplification and magnification of patriarchy. The ramping up of attacks of the MRM from “both” of these camps indicates not just that the MRM is gaining growing rapidly, but also that trad cons and feminists cleave to fundamentally the sale world view.