AVFM News and Activism: Circumcision - Take Two

A Voice for Men show

Summary: Tonight we will have as our guest Dr. John Geisheker, Executive Director and General Council for Doctors Opposing Circumcision, an anti circumcision group based in Seattle Washington.  We will be discussing the American Academy of Pediatrics’ release of it’s position statement on Male Circumcision that was released Monday and what it means for those who oppose the procedure as well as what impact it might have on its promotion as a means to inhibit the spread of AIDS.  As our show was interrupted due to technical issues last week we will also be talking in depth about the WHO’s circumcision drive in Africa. Dr. Geisheker has been at the forefront of the issues concerning Male Genital Mutilation and is intimately familiar with the motivations of the AAP and other groups that promote the practice.  Please join us for this very important follow up to last weeks show.   The show airs live tonight, at 8:00 Central Time, US, which is 2:00 a.m. August 22, in London and 11:00 a.m. August 22, in Brisbane. If you have not yet requested membership in the Stickcam Room, you can do so through the link below. The call in number is 310-388-9709.