Limited Appeal - Who's scared of that waddling bird?

Limited Appeal show

Summary: Once again we come to the rescue for a curious listener who asked the titular question of google, and somehow landed at our site. Since until now we had little to help our new friend, we've decided to remedy things by answering his query. Maybe. Alternatively, we might just start digressing about whether birds get drunk, and then how to explain drinking scotch at work to your boss, and then maybe the preferred snackable form for alcohol dehydrogenase, or why the ancient egyptians performed circumcisions, and how. Or maybe this was all about cats. Look, if you want us to stay on topic, at least articulate your question in an interpretable form. Jackass! Anyway, we somehow answer the dude's question in the end ­ listen to find out how we figured it out. And send us your questions directly by email ( Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings.