"Life purpose" Conversation with guest Dr. Shamim Sadiq

YOUR LIFE NOW Radio show with Coach Rea Wilke show

Summary: Do you know what is your life purpose? Are you living your true purpose in life? What happen when life takes us in a different path? What if the choices we make are not the right choices? Can we anticipate the outcome that is intended or that guides our planned actions? Can the quality of being determined to do or achieve something pay off in the end? As Life Coach I can teach you few things that can help you find out what is you true purpose and my guest Dr. Sadiq will share  her point of view of the topic from a personal life experiences. My guest is a Physician by profession, and a seeker of true purpose of life, Shamim is the author of the book "Aim Vertically not Horizontally" the book teaches how to seek what God wants us to do with our lives. Please join me for an hour of inspiration and motivation.   http://www.amazon.com/Aim-Vertically-Not-Horizontally-Self/dp/1449972640/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1309197631&sr=8-2