A visit to a Farinha House in Brazil

The Culinary Institute of America show

Summary: <br> We walk to a rustic farinha house where the owners, <br> Roberto and Maria, have gathered for communal farinha processing.  This gathering known as a farinhada will <br> produce enough manioc flour to sustain their small neighborhood for the next <br> several weeks. Having harvested the manioc roots early that morning, two <br> members of the group work in tandem to peel the tough skin with sharp knives. <br> <br> For recipes, visit <a href="http://www.ciaprochef.com/WCA">www.ciaprochef.com/WCA</a>   <br> <br> <br> <a href="http://cia.podbean.com/mf/web/dsj9ip/Brazil_10_FarinhaHouse_YT.mov">Download Podcast Video</a><br>