Gunsmoke – Alarm At Pleasant Valley. 550910.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As the show opens, William Conrad announces that tonight is the night for Gunsmoke to debut on television, complete with a special message from John Wayne. Matt and Chester find themselves at the scene of tragedy, but the burned down homestead isn't an accident. Is it an indian uprising? The Army rolls through on the trail of renegades. Homesteaders at Pleasant Valley are ready to pack it up and head to the safety of going back East. The story, and drama of the family there is told, but can Matt offer them any comfort? Should the family stay, or move on along? The renegades are still lurking near, and it's looking bad for the slim protection that Mat might offer. Can anything get any worse? As they attempt to flee, Matt and the family are in the middle of the prairie, surrounded by the renegade band, the young wife goes into labor, and night is coming. Matt strategizes while mom and daughter in law deal with the birth. Suspenseful, shoot 'em up moments are in store for the tough pioneering family as they only want to carve out the best life that they can, and at least for the moment, simply survive. Through the ordeal the family take their stand and realize where their true fortune lies. Bonus: Here's the short video clip of John Wayne introducing the TV show. It's an mp4 that's just over 6MB in size. John Wayne Introduces Gunsmoke