A Cabbage and a Horse

Recycled Electrons show

Summary: Chris and Rob have a Friday feeling as they discuss the sleeping Listener, new and renewed Zooniverse projects and a doomed cloud of interstellar dust. Are Martian blueberries organic? Do you need a coffee stain to be a real paper? All this and more. [MP3 Link] Episode #49. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or any questions you’d like us to answer - use the links at the top of the web page at http://recycledelec.com. Follow us on Twitter @recycledelec @orbitingfrog and @chrislintott. Links: Relaunch of Galaxy Zoo: http://galaxyzoo.org Gas cloud which is being eaten might have a star: http://www.nature.com/news/gas-cloud-hurtling-towards-milky-way-s-black-hole-may-harbour-young-star-1.11351 http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.4822v3 Mars: Tests nearly complete, time to drive off and do some science.  Plus snow at the south pole: http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2012/2011JE004040.shtml Astronomical music: http://blog.planethunters.org/2012/09/09/planethunters-sounding-good/ Are blueberries organic? http://www.lifescientist.com.au/article/436306/iron_blueberries_may_sign_microbial_life_mars/ Presidential science questions - what would you ask? http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=obama-romney-science-debate Quantum uncertainty isn’t about measurement error: http://www.nature.com/news/quantum-uncertainty-not-all-in-the-measurement-1.11394 Seafloor Explorer: http://seafloorexplorer.org Erdos/Bacon/Sabbath: http://ebs.rosschurchley.com/the-list LaTeX coffee stain: http://hanno-rein.de/archives/349     Credits: Audio content Copyright 2012 Chris Lintott and Robert Simpson. Many thanks to Oxford Press Office for recording space. Podcast Image courtesy of Flickr user bazik (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bazik/395792175/).